Artigos | Articles

Leia os artigos utilizados como fontes para os Seminários apresentados pelos estudantes na disciplina ENT 797.
Seminário: “10 years of Aedes + Wolbachia: a stable relationship”
Data: 15/06/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Marina Magalhães Moreira
Resumo: Controlling arboviruses such as dengue has been a major challenge for many countries around the world. Great efforts have already been made, involving mainly insecticides, but without success so far. In this sense, alternative projects are emerging to control mosquitoes, one of them using strains of the Wolbachia bacteria, an endosymbiont known for generating phenotypes in the hosts, such as cytoplasmic incompatibility and virus resistance. In this seminar, I will present the results of a survey carried out in Cairns, Australia, where Aedes aegypti infected with the wMel Pop strain were released. After the release of infected mosquitoes, the number of dengue cases acquired dropped dramatically in the region. These results indicate that releases of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes for population replacement are likely to be effective for many years and there were few modifications in the genome and fitness of the mosquitos after the end of the releases. Ongoing monitoring remains important to track potential evolutionary changes in the relationship between Aedes and Wolbachia.
Seminário: “Science as a Candle in the Dark”
Data: 15/06/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Andreza Ribas Barbosa
Resumo: As detailed in a Letter published in Science in 2017, the adherents of creationism and intelligent design are still active in promoting their biblical-literalist views of the origin and evolution of life on Earth. In this contribution, we take a look at this ideological phenomenon in the USA and analyze the philosophical roots of this ongoing movement. Specifically, we discuss Vernon Kellogg’s book entitled Headquarters Nights (1917) with reference to the German ‘Allmacht’ (English—omnipotence) and Darwinian evolution to demonstrate how this publication bolstered the development of active anti-evolutionism in the USA among American fundamentalist Christians, inclusive of the Intelligent Design (ID)-agenda. The current activities of creationist associations in the USA and Germany are summarized, with reference to a new pro-ID-group established in Austria in 2019 that is sponsored by the Discovery Institute in Seattle, Washington (USA).
Seminário: “Social cognition in insects: Do insects think or learn? Or both?”
Data: 01/06/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Kárenn Christiny Pereira Santos
Resumo: Ability to learn, make decisions, pass on learnings, can often automatically be associated with humans or vertebrates in general. But is it really only restricted to this group? For us entomologists, it’s easy to know that it doesn’t. But do we know in depth how these characteristics can vary? When it comes to social insects, how do these abilities influence their behavior? How similar to decision-making in insects can be from humans and/or vertebrates?
Seminário: “Does the effect of plant diversification on agroecosystems may jeopardize biological control?”
Data: 25/05/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Gabriel Modesto Beghelli
Resumo: Modification of agricultural landscapes, such as intercropping systems, is an important strategy of conservative biological control of pests. Plant diversification is expected to support biological control of herbivore arthropods by attracting and favoring key natural enemies. Nevertheless, a few studies demonstrated possible negative effects of higher flora diversity in agroecosystems. To address this issue, this seminar proposes a critical analysis of a paper that studied the role of intercropping cereal and leguminous plants in the biological control of cereal aphids by parasitoids.
Seminário: “Zoophytophagous predators: impact on plants and pest control”
Data: 25/05/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Caio Henrique Binda de Assis
Resumo: Zoophytophagous predators are omnivores that feed on animal and plant resources during their life cycle. Their feeding behavior allows them to control agricultural pests, including whiteflies, aphids and lepidopterans, as well as trigger defense responses in plants that can influence the behavior of phytophagous pests and natural enemies. In this paper, the authors investigated if Macrolophus basicornis Stal. (Hemiptera: Miridae), a promising neotropical predator for the major tomato pests, can activate tomato defenses through its phytophagy and the consequences for herbivores and natural enemies.
Seminário: “Overview of the use of biopesticides in pest control in Brazil”
Data: 18/05/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Lorrana Francisca Oliveira Almeida
Resumo: The Brazilian biopesticide market is growing, driven by growing awareness of sustainable food production, concerns among farmers over the overuse of chemicals to control insect pests, and rising spending on chemical crop protection. The main drivers of this market are organic agriculture, the negative view of chemical pesticides and the integrated approach of governments to promote the biopesticide industry in Brazil. But after all, what are biopesticides? And what are its potential uses in Brazil for pest control, both for small and large producers?
Seminário: “How are insects seen behind/beyond the eyes of an entomologist?”
Data: 18/05/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: João Gabriel Tardin de Moraes
Resumo: Regular people (who are not entomologists), generally have a negative view of insects, and there are several cultural manifestations with insects. How does society in general view insects? Is there a difference between this perception around the world? In this presentation, I take an expository-opinionated approach talking a little about it.
Seminário: “Testing optimal defense theory using insects”
Data: 11/05/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Rafael Stempniak Iasczczaki
Resumo: Plants and herbivores have interacted for millions of years. Herbivores evolve to feed on plants while plants evolve to defend themselves against herbivore’s attacks. There are many defense systems in plants, involving a variety of different strategies and compounds. A very interesting and well-known defense strategy, is based on ant recruitment through extrafloral nectar (EFNs) production, so that ants indirectly defend the plant against herbivore insect attacks in exchange for this EFN. The selected paper showed that a plant species from Brazilian Cerrado Qualea multiflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae), is able to allocate differentially the EFNs production (amount and quality) according to the relative value and attack probability of its structures, with more attractive EFNs being responsible for a higher ant abundance. The authors were able to recognize that this system follows some predictions emerging from Optimal Defense Theory, through EFNs production and ant abundance in two different plant structures: A) Reproductive (high value) and B) vegetative (low value) ones, subjected to different levels of simulated herbivory. This interesting study directly contributes to the understanding of how indirect plant defenses are allocated.
Seminário: “Ants produce ‘milk’ that nourishes larvae and adults”
Data: 11/05/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Erika Souza
Resumo: Eusocial insect nests are characterized by division of labor, where each individual must cooperate for the success of the colony. In ants, pupae were considered passive agents, as they are immobile, do not eat, are moved only by workers and, therefore, would not contribute in any way to ant society. But in this seminar it will be shown that far from being passive agents, the pupae have an active and central role in the organization of the anthill.
Seminário: “An exotic defense mechanism in Apis cerana”
Data: 27/04/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Javier Loaiza Ríos
Resumo: Honey bees (genus Apis) are well known for the impressive suite of nest defenses they have evolved to protect their abundant stockpiles of food and the large colonies they sustain. In Asia, honey bees have evolved under tremendous predatory pressure from social wasps in the genus Vespa, the most formidable of which are the giant hornets that attack colonies in groups, kill adult defenders, and prey on brood. In response to attack by V. soror, A. cerana workers foraged for and applied spots of animal feces around their nest entrances.
Seminário: “Why we should love wasps?”
Data: 27/04/23, às 17h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Samuel Júlio Lima dos Santos
Resumo: Aculeate wasps are universally disliked and suffer from a bad public image for having stings. When we compare them with bees, their closely related aculeate group, we can see that wasps are portrayed as aggressive, dangerous, evil, in need to be controlled and useless while bees are seen as beautiful, cute, extremely important and love worthy. Why wasps get bad perceptions for having stings and bees do not? In this seminar, we are going to check if the contrasting perceptions between wasps and bees are upheld by data. Why then wasps deserve to be loved and appreciated by humans? With this question in mind, we are going to discuss a range of ecosystem services that can be provided by aculeate wasps and their impact on human life. After the presentation, I hope that everyone leaves the auditorium in love with aculeate wasps.
Seminário: “Why did the fireflies decide to shine?”
Data: 13/04/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Douglas da Silva Ferreira
Resumo: For many years, the following hypotheses were very well accepted: mature fireflies (family Lampyridae) light up the sky primarily for courtship (1), as well as to warn predators not to expect a tasty treat (2). Scientists have long debated what purpose triggered the evolution of the beetle’s aerial glow. Would it be hypothesis 1, or 2, or who knows both?
Seminário: Can competition for resources lead to sexual dimorphism?
Data: 13/04/23, às 17h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Letícia Sena
Resumo: Sexual dimorphism, characterized by morphological differences between the sexes, is common in several insects. Darwin was the first to propose a possible cause for the origin of these patterns, including sexual selection and ecological factors (such as competition for resources). Through experimental evolution, in this paper, the author uses Drosophila melanogaster flies to test whether competition for resources can lead to sex differences, more precisely differences in diet. The results indicate a rapid evolution, in only three generations, with changes in diet between males and females, showing that competition for resources could have an influence on factors such as sexual dimorphism, through phenotypic plasticity.
Seminário: Entomopathogenic fungus mimics its host’s sex pheromone to induce males flies to mate with corpses
Data: 30/03/23, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Jenny Tatiana Bernal Zuluaga
Resumo: Obligate parasites and pathogens use specific recognition systems to ensure contact with their host, these strategies include mimicry and behavioral manipulation. The entomopathogenic fungus Entomophtora muscae constitutes a rare case where, in addition to using sexual mimicry, it also manipulates the behavior of its direct host and of possible healthy hosts. E. muscae attracts male houseflies to fatal matings with infected fly carcasses to ensure their dispersal. The housefly (Musca domestica) is a mechanical vector of about 100 pathogens that transmit disease to humans, and E. muscae may be a potential biological control agent. However, its physiological mechanisms are still unknown. In this work we tested the hypothesis that the fungus changes the chemistry of infected carcasses, either by increasing the compounds that constitute the female sex pheromone or by adding new compounds to increase the attraction response in males. This change in the host chemistry underlies the evolution of an extended phenotypic trait.
Seminário: Sustainable Waste Management: The Black Soldier Fly Approach
Artigo: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing carbon and nitrogen conversion in food wastes by the black soldier fly
Data: 15/12/22, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Samuel Oluwatoyin
Resumo: The increase of annual organic wastes generated worldwide has become a major problem for many countries since the mismanagement could bring about negative effects on the environment. Organic waste is largely subjected to landfill disposal, incineration, and anaerobic digestion which often result in the release of greenhouse gases with global warming potential. Treatment of organic waste using the black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) is an emerging waste treatment technology with proven sustainable options including recycling and valorization. Black soldier fly larvae improve the properties of the substrate to reduce the loss of gaseous carbon and nitrogen, while converting these wastes into high-value end-products.
Seminário: Forensic Entomology: A real life of a CSI
Artigo: Forensic entomology in research and practice: an overview of forensic experts’ perceptions and scientific output in Brazil
Data: 15/12/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Ana Cristina Cruz
Resumo: Forensic entomology was recently included within the forensic sciences, there is great importance between the collaboration of scientists and criminal experts for the elucidation of violent crimes. Communication between research institutions and investigation centers has proven to be effective in the use of insects, more accurate PMI estimates based on local data, increasing the reliability of the evidence.
Seminário: Fluctuating asymmetry in insects as an indicator of instability caused by stress
Artigo: Fluctuating asymmetry and exposure to pyrethroid insecticides in Triatoma infestans populations in northeastern Argentina
Insect Fluctuating Asymmetry: An Example in Bolivian Peridomestic Populations of Triatoma infestans (Klug, 1834) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)
Data: 15/12/22, às 16h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Luisa Dias
Resumo: Fluctuating asymmetry is a type of phenotypic variation and can be an indicator of instability in the development of an organism. This instability can be triggered by environmental stresses, such as insecticides. These articles seek to assess whether there is fluctuating asymmetry in response to the use of pyrethroid, an insecticide commonly used to combat Triatoma infestans, one of the main vectors of Chagas disease.
Seminário: Climate drivers of adult insect activity are conditioned by life history traits
Artigo: Climate, urbanization, and species traits interactively drive flowering duration
A review of the global climate change impacts, adaptation, and sustainable mitigation measures
Data: 08/12/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Andreia Oliveira
Resumo: Global temperature has increased by approximately 1.2° compared to pre-industrial times. Climate warming causes considerable variation in phenological responses within and between species. Phenological lability can be used to determine which species will adapt to environmental changes. And with that to have a better understanding of the phenological responses of insects.
Seminário: Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Insects
Artigos: Sexually transmitted diseases of insects: distribution, evolution, ecology and host behaviour
Female immunity in response to sexually transmitted opportunistic bacteria in the common bedbug Cimex lectularius
The cost of promiscuity: sexual transmission of Nosema microsporidian parasites in polyandrous honey bees
Data: 01/12/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Vanessa Mosquera Herrera
Resumo: Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) affect different groups of vertebrates and invertebrates animals. Unlike vertebrate animals, where groups of pathogens are mostly viruses and bacteria, in insects the most groups are multicellular ectoparasites like mites, fungi and nematodes, and some micro-endoparasites that can be transmitted both vertically and sexually. Some STDs are highly pathogenic, impairing the fitness of the infected individual and can lead to death. From this perspective, some of these pathogens can help control the overpopulation of insect species that cause damage. There is also evidence that certain pathogens can manipulate behavior of the host, despite this interesting topic research on it is scarce. The following presentation aims to make known certain STDs in insects.
Seminário: A functional role of deep sleep stage in Drosophila
Artigo: A deep sleep stage in Drosophila with a functional role in waste clearance
Data: 17/11/22, às 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Vinicius Santos
Resumo: Sleep is a highly conserved state, suggesting that sleep’s benefits outweigh the increased vulnerability it brings. Yet, little is known about how sleep fulfills its functions. These articles provide evidence of a discrete deep sleep stage that is linked to a specific function and suggest that waste clearance is a core and ancient function of deep sleep.
Seminário: Diversity of emission and perception of vibrations and behavior in insects
Artigos: Directional hearing in insects: biophysical, physiological and ecological challenges
Functional Diversity of Vibrational Signaling Systems in Insects
Data: 17/11/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Francisco Nascimento
Resumo: Bioacoustics in insects is widely studied, but other types of mechanical waves besides sound are being better investigated recently, giving rise to the area of biotremology. Insects ended up developing a variety of ways to detect and produce these types of vibrations and transform them into information, which determine important behaviors for the survival of insects. Biotechnology can help in understanding the diversity of insects and even in the control of some pests.
Seminário: Interference RNA is a new methodology for use in medicine and agriculture
Artigo: Caspase gene silencing affects the growth and development of Tuta absoluta
Data: 10/11/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Gabriel Pio
Resumo: It was discovered and described in the 1990s. This mechanism occurs naturally within the cells of eukaryotic organisms.RNAi acts post-transcriptional, binding to messenger RNA and interfering with protein synthesis. The use of this technology makes it difficult to develop specific genes. This technique becomes an alternative to current pest control methodologies.
Seminário: Entomotherapy: An alternative to cancer treatment
Artigos: Formulation, characterization and cellular toxicity assessment of a novel bee‐venom microsphere in prostate cancer treatment
Scoping review of the medicinal effects of Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker and the underlying mechanisms
Caspase 3-mediated cytotoxicity of mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) oil extract against human hepatocellular carcinoma and colorectal adenocarcinoma
Data: 27/10/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Elane Borba Alves
Resumo: Entomtherapy is used in several parts of the world in the treatment of diseases. Currently, there is an increase in studies focused on insect biological compounds in the treatment of different cancer cell lines. These in vivo and in vitro studies demonstrate the feasibility of combating the proliferation of cancer cell lines, as well as leading to cell death. Such compounds range from fatty acids, peptides, polysaccharides and amino acids, which are more effective than the usual chemical treatments used to fight cancer.
Seminário: O consumo de álcool pelas abelhas – Alcohol consumption by bees
Artigo: Discontinued alcohol consumption elicits withdrawal symptoms in honeybees
Data: 13/10/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Weslane Silva Noronha
Nível: mestrado
Resumo: O alcoolismo é um grande problema social e a utilização de espécies-modelos invertebrados, como por exemplo as abelhas, são fundamentais no avanço das pesquisas. Devido às abelhas possuírem características como a sociabilidade, habilidades de aprendizado, sua neuroanatomia bem conhecida e enzimas degradantes de etanol, são usadas na compreensão dos efeitos do alcoolismo em seres humanos. / Alcoholism is a major social problem and the use of invertebrate model species, such as bees, are fundamental in advancing research. Because bees possess characteristics such as sociability, learning abilities, their well-known neuroanatomy and ethanol-degrading enzymes, they are used in understanding the effects of alcoholism in humans.
Seminário: Do insects have personality?
Data: 02/06/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Mellis Layra Soares Rippel
Orientador: Frederico Falcão Salles
Nível: doutorado
Resumo: Metamorphosis. Sociality. Sexual behavior. Insecticide. Why could these topics be related to the word ‘personality’? Well, did you really believe that only us, humans, would have personality? A lot of other organisms show variation in behavior. In recent years invertebrates have been receiving more attention in this interesting field in animal behavior. Let’s discuss together examples in which insect behavior could be related to personality.
Seminário: Warmer is better? Impacts of climate warming on a beetle community
Data: 26/05/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Alex Sandro Paulo da Silva Junior
Orientador: José Eduardo Serrão
Nível: mestrado
Resumo: As mudanças climáticas causam impactos em todo o globo terrestre, e tem se intensificado nos últimos anos em decorrência das ações antrópicas, deixando diversas consequências. O aumento da temperatura e o degelo são algumas dessas consequências que impactam diretamente e indiretamente os ecossistemas no planeta. Veremos nessa apresentação como essas mudanças climáticas afetaram uma população de besouros em uma área de floresta temperada em New Hampshire, nos Estados Unidos.
Seminário: Global warming and insects
Data: 26/05/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Daniel Maciel Marques
Orientador: Madelaine Venzon
Nível: mestrado
Resumo: Nowadays, we are witnessing climate changes on a global scale, mainly due to human actions. Many effects of these changes have been largely noticed by scientific reports and social media. But, which changes can we expect from the most diversified and abundant group of organisms on our planet, the insects? How are these changes going to affect the environment, ecosystems and human activities and health?
Seminário: Fly UFC: The aggressive behaviour in fruit flies
Data: 19/05/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Walysson Mendes Gomes
Orientador: Simon Luke Elliot
Nível: doutorado
Resumo: Aggressiveness is present in the behaviour of many animals including insects and can be affected by environmental and social factors. Fruit flies perform aggressive behaviour during mating or defence of resources and territories. In addition, food depravation and social living plays a crucial role in aggressive behaviour in insects. Today, I will present some factor that influence the aggressive behaviour of flies.
Seminário: Close your eyes and eat insects
Data: 19/05/22, às 16h30
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Discente: Amanda Cristiane Queiroz Motta
Orientador: Simon Luke Elliot
Nível: doutorado
Resumo: Among the new environmentally friendly sources of protein, insects appear to be valuable candidates. Nevertheless, in Western countries, consumption of meat substitutes is actually very low, principally due to food neophobia and their poor sensory qualities in comparison with meat. To reduce this neophobia, previous studies suggested including insect invisibly in food preparations and/or associating them with known flavors. In this study, a survey on entomophagy perception and hedonic tests were conducted to assess the level of sensory-liking of hybrid insect-based burgers (beef / lentils / mealworms and beef / mealworms and lentils). What results did the research generate? Are these results representative for people in Western countries?
Seminário: Retenção da memória através da metamorfose
Data: 14/04/22, às 16h30
Discente: Renata Cordeiro dos Santos
Orientador: Marcelo Coutinho Picanço
Nível: mestrado
Resumo: Os insetos holometábolos passam por transformações drásticas durante a metamorfose. Apesar dessas transformações, algumas memórias persistem. Como e quais, são discutidas no trabalho.
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Seminário: Como os insetos fazem a transição da água para o ar
Data: 02/12/21, às 16h30
Discente: Rodolfo Mauricio Castillo Velásquez
Orientador: Frederico Falcão Salles
Nível: mestrado
Resumo: A transição da vida animal da água para a terra está associada a mudanças na fisiologia respiratória e na química do sangue. Apresentamos um resumo sobre o conhecimento atual do equilíbrio ácido-básico no sangue e o controle ventilatório da libélula durante sua transição da água.
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Seminário: Gut microbiota and the social behavior of insects
Data: 02/12/21, às 16h30
Discente: Lívia Maria Negrini Ferreira
Orientador: Maria Augusta Lima Siqueira
Nível: doutorado
Resumo: There is growing evidence that host-microbiota interactions may have influenced the evolution of social behaviors across many animal taxa, such as mammals, birds, fishes and insects. In insects, the gut microbiota seems to influence the level of sociality, the communication between conspecifics and host immune response.
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Seminário: Can herbivore natural enemies overcome plant defense metabolites?
Data: 25/11/21, às 16h30
Discente: Alírio Felipe Alves Netto
Orientador: Eliseu José Guedes Pereira
Nível: doutorado
Resumo: Plants defend themselves against herbivores through the production of toxic and deterrent metabolites. Adapted herbivores can tolerate and sometimes sequester these metabolites, allowing them to feed on defended plants and become toxic to their own enemies.
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Seminário: Entomophagy: a food alternative for the sustainable development of the planet
Data: 25/11/21, às 16h30
Discente: Lucas Felipe Prohmann Tschoeke
Orientador: Eraldo Rodrigues de Lima
Nível: doutorado
Resumo: Globally, there is a need to seek alternative sources of protein in addition to meat. This has led to considerable interest in edible insects. Such insects form part of cultures and diets in many countries around the world, its production is considered more sustainable and are an excellent source of essential nutrients, minerals, vitamins and proteins.
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Seminário: Insect-Specific Virus against Arboviruses?
Data: 18/11/21, às 16h30
Discente: Thaiany Moreira Alvarenga
Orientador: José Cola Zanuncio
Nível: doutorado
Resumo: Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses), especially by mosquitoes, are significant causes of morbidity and mortality in humans and animals worldwide. However, there are few vaccines against these arboviroses, and most for humans are still in development or in clinical trials. In this seminar we will discuss the current status and future perspectives of new platforms for the creation of vaccines developed from insect-specific viruses (ISVs).
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Seminário: From opportunist to manipulator: a case of plant-insect-fungus interaction
Data: 18/11/21, às 16h30
Discente: Weslei dos Santos Cunha
Orientador: José Cola Zanuncio
Nível: doutorado
Resumo: Fusarium verticillioides, one of the causes of red rot disease in sugarcane, has recently been considered as an opportunistic fungus that took advantage of openings left by the borer (Diatraea saccharalis). However, this view was completely reformulated after the discovery of the true role of this pathogen in this plant-insect-fungus interaction.
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Seminário: Close friends
Data: 11/11/21, às 16h
Discente: Jéssica Abreu
Orientador: Madelaine Venzon
Nível: doutorado
Resumo: Emitting ultrasound upon hearing an attacking bat is an effective defence strategy used by several moth taxa and Yponomeuta moths to acquire sophisticated acoustic protection despite being deaf themselves and hence unable to respond to bat attacks. Their wing structure is strikingly similar to the thorax tymbals with which arctiine moths produce their anti-bat sounds. Yponomeuta sounds closely mimic such arctiine signals and because both moth taxa contain noxious compounds, the authors conclude that they are mutual Müllerian acoustic mimics.
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Seminário: Como os insetos fazem a transição da água para o ar
Data: 11/11/21, às 16h
Discente: Rodolfo Mauricio Castillo Velásquez
Orientador: Frederico Falcão Salles
Nível: mestrado
Resumo: A transição da vida animal da água para a terra está associada a mudanças na fisiologia respiratória e na química do sangue. Apresentamos um resumo sobre o conhecimento atual do equilíbrio ácido-básico no sangue e o controle ventilatório da libélula durante sua transição da água.
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Seminário: Global Museum: The digitization to connect entomological collections
Data: 11/11/21, às 16h
Discente: Isabel Cristina Hernández Cortes
Orientador: Frederico Falcão Salles
Nível: mestrado
Resumo: Natural history collections are a primary source of information to address a wide range of scientific questions. By digitizing and publishing your data in online repositories, collections have increased the accessibility of your data and consequently their value and impact as an institution. Additionally, with already digitized entomological collections and online platforms, it is possible to integrate them into a global collection platform, which allows the realization of more comprehensive studies, as well as their integration with other areas of knowledge.
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  Palestrante convidado: Professor Emerson Del Ponte – Departamento de Fitopatologia – UFV
“Open and reproducible research: why and how to embrace?”
Data: 04/11/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Insects as bio-indicator of environmental pollution
Data: 21/10/21, às 16h30
Discente: John Chidi Harriman
Orientador: Carlos Frankl Sperber
Nível: mestrado
Resumo: Environmental pollution from varied sources is now deemed as one of the most serious problems everywhere. Several pollutants, however, could be perceived by certain biological indicators, each one is used to identify assured single or a category of pollutants. Insect composition changed along with the land use disturbance level. Insects are sensitive to disturbances like pollution – they are not found in polluted environment. Hence, their presence or absence can be used as environmental bioindicator to detect habitat free from pollution. The current review presents the use of insects to perceive ecosystems pollutants.
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Seminário: How can the mayflies contribute to the treatment of cancer?
Data: 21/10/21, às 16h30
Discente: Jhon Faber Marulanda Lopez
Orientador: Frederico Falcão Salles
Nível: doutorado
Resumo: Due to their non toxic properties, biopolymers have been preferred for anticancer studies. Chitin is the most abundant biopolymer after the cellulose; it is present in insects, other animals and algae. Chitosan is a polysaccharide obtained from chitin by alkaline hydrolysis. Recent studies have documented that the chitosan present antiproliferative activity against different cancer cell lines. In the present study, mayfly dead corpses naturally occuring in huge amounts were used in the synthesis of chitosan with antitumor activity.
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Seminário: Larval therapy: myiasis that cure
Data: 14/10/21, às 16h30
Discente: Halina Schultz
Orientadora: Maria Goreti de Almeida Oliveira
Nível: Doutorado
Resumo: Larval therapy is the use of live fly larvae to treat difficult-to-heal wounds. The use of larvae has been described since ancient times for the treatment of some wounds, but with the evolution of surgical techniques and the widespread use of antibiotics, this type of treatment has been decreasing, to the point of being forgotten. However, as the resistance of some microorganisms to antibiotics has increased and some clinical procedures have not been shown to be as effective, the therapy has been used again and, currently, has been shown to be an effective alternative for the treatment of chronic wounds. Let’s talk a little bit about its benefits?
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Seminário: Why entomology?
Data: 14/10/21, às 16h30
Discente: David Lopes Teixeira
Orientador: José Cola Zanuncio
Nível: Mestrado
Resumo: Uma pergunta frequente feita pelo público geral para um entomologista é, porque entomologia? No entanto, a entomologia tem contribuído para a sociedade em diversos aspectos como na própria ciência, na economia, na medicina e até nas artes. Então, o que falta para a entomologia ganhar seu lugar de destaque na sociedade?
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Seminário: Holometabola morphology: patterns of complexity and simplicity
Discente: Gabriela de Figueiredo Jacintho
Orientador: José Eduardo Serrão
Nível: Mestrado
Resumo: O megadiverso clado Holometabola é caracterizado principalmente pelas larvas estruturalmente simplificadas, que apresentam uma grande diferença dos adultos em morfologia e hábitos de vida. Análises usando parcimônia e máxima verossimilhança revelaram uma alta correlação entre o grau de complexidade entre estágios larvais e adultos deste grupo. Que tal discutirmos quais caracteres e comportamentos foram analisados e como isso pode ter evoluído dentro do clado?
Data: 16/09/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Cannabidiol, a double hope or even more?
Discente: Pedro Inocêncio Silveira
Orientador: Madelaine Venzon
Nível: Doutorado
Resumo: As many plant secondary metabolites, cannabidiol (CBD) also showed some type of toxicity against insects and two of its contrasting roles were tested. Firstly, its insecticide repellent potential was tested in feeding choice studies and then CBD rescuing effect against ethanol intoxication was investigated in lacking-ethanol artificial diets and in diets containing high ethanol concentrations.
Data: 16/09/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: What does my cell phone have to do with the decline of insects?
Discente: Lara Jardim Collares
Orientador: Raul Narciso Carvalho Guedes
Nível: Mestrado
Data: 24/06/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Entomovectors: bees take biopesticides for a ride
Discente: Carlos Henrique Martins de Menezes
Orientador: José Cola Zanuncio
Nível: Mestrado
Data: 24/06/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Conhecimentos tradicionais: Uso de insetos para fins terapêuticos
Discente: Alberico Alves dos Santos
Orientador: José Cola Zanuncio
Nível: Mestrado
Data: 10/06/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Entomophagy: future perspective
Discente: Eldair Santos da Silva
Orientador: José Cola Zanuncio
Nível: Mestrado
Data: 10/06/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Don’t eat when ill
Discente: Eduardo Costantin
Orientador: Simon Luke Elliot
Nível: Doutorado
Data: 27/05/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Non-natural disasters effects on insects
Discente: Paulo Henrique Rezende
Orientador: José Lino-Neto
Nível: Doutorado
Data: 27/05/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Deep learning perspectives and computer vision in entomology
Discente: Andressa Graebin
Orientador: Raul Narciso Carvalho Guedes
Data: 20/05/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Enemy’s enemy is a friend
Discente: Camila Oliveira Santos
Orientador: Eliseu José Guedes Pereira
Data: 20/05/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Do insects feel pain?
Discente: Gabriel Martins Pantoja
Orientador: Frederico Falcão Salles
Data: 13/05/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Scientific names as tools for the popularization of science
Discente: Thales Yann da Silva Orlando
Orientador: Frederico Falcão Salles
Data: 13/05/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Machine learning tools for pest identification and monitoring
Discente: Lucas de Paulo Arcanjo
Orientador: Marcelo Coutinho Picanço
Data: 06/05/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Memory and Specificity in the Insect Immune System: Current Perspectives and Future Challenges
Discente: Álvaro Henrique Costa
Orientador: Eliseu José Guedes Pereira
Data: 06/05/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Hot and Cold: Controlling the temperature inside the termite mounds
Discente: Dayvson Ayala Costa
Orientador: Og Francisco Fonseca de Souza
Data: 11/02/21, às 16h
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Seminário: “Porque reinventar a roda quando você pode se tornar uma?”
Discente: Luana de Souza Cruz
Orientador: Raul Narciso Carvalho Guedes
Data: 11/02/21, às 16h30
Link para videoconferência:
OBS: favor entrar na reunião com o email institucional.
  Palestrante convidado: Professor Dr. Carlos Dias Maciel – USP – Campus de São Carlos
“Bayesian Network: General Aspects and Applications in Biological Sciences”
Data: 11/02/21, às 17h15
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Seminário: Reversed Roles in Males and Females Insects
Discente: Gabriel Paiola
Orientador: José Cola Zanuncio
Data: 04/02/21, às 17h
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Seminário: “The farmer bee”: a mutualistic symbiosis between stingless bee and fungus
Discente: Rhiala Gomes Albergaria
Orientador: Gustavo Ferreira Martins
Data: 04/02/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Alien invasion: Philornis downsi (Diptera: Muscidae), an avian parasitic fly in the Galapagos Island and their potential biological control
Discente: Consuelo Alexandra Narváez Vásquez
Orientador: Eliseu José Guedes Pereira
Data: 28/01/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Plastic nanoparticles: another invisible threat to aquatic biodiversity
Discente: Maria Júlia Maciel Corrêa
Orientador: Eugênio Eduardo de Oliveira
Data: 28/01/21, às 17h
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Seminário: Arboviroses humanas: Como será o amanhã?
Discente: Mayara Moledo Picanço
Orientador: Raul Narciso Carvalho Guedes
Data: 21/01/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: O apocalipse dos Insetos: Temos observado o declínio da entomofauna?
Discente: Ingrid Sousa Costa
Orientador: Maria Augusta Lima Siqueira
Data: 21/01/21, às 17h
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Seminário: Entre pais e filhos
Discente: Diego dos Santos Souza
Orientador: Raul Narciso Carvalho Guedes
Data: 14/01/21, às 16h30
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Seminário: Dogs detect diseased trees
Discente: Milena Kalile
Orientador: Arne Janssen
Data: 14/01/21, às 17h
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Seminário: We Can Do It!
Discente: Darah Duarte Lima
Orientador: Maria Augusta Lima Siqueira
Data: 17/12/20, às 16h
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Seminário: Machines, insects and cyborgs
Discente: Pedro Hermano Marques Gonçalves Nascimento
Orientador: Angelo Pallini
Data: 17/12/20, às 16h30
Link para videoconferência:
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Seminário: Plant responses to warning signs
Discente: Giovana Mamani Huayhua
Orientador: Eraldo Rodrigues de Lima
Data: 17/12/20, às 17h
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Seminário: Alternative strategies for the control of insects using fungi
Discente: Keminy Ribett Bautz
Orientador: Simon Luke Elliot
Data: 03/12/20, às 16h30
Link para videoconferência:
OBS: favor entrar na reunião com o email institucional.
Seminário: The bugs we love to hate
Discente: Maisa de Carvalho Gonçalves
Orientador: Frederico Falcão Salles
Data: 03/12/20, às 17h
Link para videoconferência:
OBS: favor entrar na reunião com o email institucional.
Seminário: “A microbial perspective of insects” – Palestra de abertura do segundo semestre letivo/2020
Docente convidada: Joana F. Salles, professora da Universidade de Groningen, Holanda
Data: 26/11/2020 às 16h30
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Seminário: Os Bons Pais: Eficiência do Cuidado Paternal em um Aracnídeo Neotropical
Discente: Luis Gonzalo Salinas Jimenez
Orientador: Eugênio Eduardo de Oliveira
Dia: 08/10/2020 às 16h
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Seminário: Ballet das abelhas – A comunicação através da dança
Discente: Douglas da Silva Ferreira
Orientador: Frederico Falcão Salles
Dia 08/10/2020 às 16h30
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Seminário: Não Me Diga Mentirinhas, Dói Demais
Discente: Luana Dias Leite Cardoso
Orientador: Og Francisco Fonseca de Souza
Dia: 24/09/2020  às 16h30
Link para a vídeoconferência:
Seminário: É possível melhorar a eficiência de controle de insetos por nematoides entomopatogênicos?
Discente: Thadeu Carlos de Souza
Orientador: Eliseu J. G. Pereira
Dia: 24/09/2020  às 17h
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Seminário:  Polinização e urbanização
Discente: Daiane das Graças do Carmo
Orientador: Marcelo Coutinho Picanço
Dia: 17/09/2020  às 16h30
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Seminário: Ouço, logo existo: como os insetos usam a audição para evitar predadores?
Discente: Dinamarta Virginio Ferreira
Orientador: Og Francisco Fonseca de Souza
Dia: 17/09/2020  às 17h
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Seminário:  O COVID das árvores
Discente: Verónica Cañas Mesa
Orientador: José Cola Zanuncio
Dia: 10/09/2020  às 16h
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Seminário:  Há males que vem para o bem
Discente: Daniel Victor Chaves Neves
Orientador: Marcelo Coutinho Picanço
Dia: 10/09/2020  às 16h30
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Seminário: Efeitos das mudanças climáticas e urbanização em artrópodes vetores
Discente: Walysson Mendes Gomes
Orientador: Simon Luke Elliot
Dia: 10/09/2020  às 17h
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Seminário:  Interação predador-presa-microrganismo: uma relação de amor e ódio
Discente: Elenir Aparecida Queiroz
Orientador: Simon Luke Elliot
Dia: 03/09/2020  às 16h
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Seminário: “Cadê o inseto que tava aqui?”
Discente: Kárenn Christiny Pereira Santos
Orientador: Eraldo Rodrigues de Lima
Dia: 03/09/2020  às 16h30
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Seminário: Influência da gravidade na fisiologia de gafanhotos
Discente: Natália de Souza Ribas
Orientador: Eraldo Rodrigues de Lima
Dia: 03/09/2020  às 17h
Link para a vídeoconferência:
Seminário:  Player 2
Discente: Vanessa Farias da Silva
Orientador: Angelo Pallini
Dia: 27/08/2020 às 16h30
Link para a vídeoconferência:
Seminário:  A origem controversa da termitofilia
Discente: Raul Marques Pisno
Orientador: José Eduardo Serrão
Dia: 27/08/2020 às 17h
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Seminário: Insetos venenosos
Discente: Marcela Miranda de Lima
Orientador: Frederico Falcão Salles
Dia: 20/08/2020 às 16h30
Link para a vídeoconferência: 
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Seminário: Interação planta-onívoro
Discente: Ítalo dos Santos Faria Marcossi
Orientador: Angelo Pallini
Dia: 20/08/2020 às 17h
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Seminário: Beyond the lab: Are lady beetles effective in reducing spider mite infestations?
Discente: Pedro Felipe Seguro de Toledo
Dia: 28/11/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Evoluindo…
Discente: Paula Gabriela Páez Jerez
Dia: 21/11/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Uma ameaça silenciosa
Discente: Johana Quintero
Dia: 21/11/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: As plantas ouvem
Discente: Milena Kalile
Dia: 14/11/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Prevenir é o melhor remédio
Discente: Carlos Luis Neves Junior
Dia: 14/11/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Um mutualismo triplo
Discente: André Costa Cardoso
Dia: 07/11/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Quem limpa a casa quer visita
Discente: Júlia Jantsch Ferla
Dia: 07/11/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Além do que se vê
Discente:  Jéssica Letícia Abreu Martins
Dia: 31/10/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Ambiente diversificado, serviços ecossistêmicos prestados
Discente: Pedro Inocêncio Silveira
Dia: 31/10/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Insetos na alimentação e seus riscos potenciais
Discente: Thaiany Moreira Alvarenga
Dia: 24/10/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Um doce fim
Discente: Vinícius Moreira Marques
Dia: 24/10/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Este fungo não é legal!
Discente: Johan Sebastian Perez Campos
Dia: 17/10/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Dê asas ao amor: a evolução da cópula em insetos
Discente: Thayna da Silva Raymundo
Dia: 10/10/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: O cheiro da morte
Discente: Otávio Luiz Fernandes
Dia: 10/10/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Um formato indesejado
Discente: Weslei dos Santos Cunha
Dia: 03/10/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: O que o sonho traz
Discente: Jose Jahir Morales Murillo
Dia: 12/09/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Sem esconderijos: Monitorando os criadouros dos vetores da dengue com o Google Street View
Discente: Bruno Franklin Barbosa
Dia: 12/09/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Vírus mutualista de parasitoide manipula respostas de defesa de plantas contra herbívoros
Discente: Keminy Ribett Bautz
Dia: 27/06/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Até os deuses precisam da polinização
Discente: Leonel Adelson Araya Rojas
Dia: 27/06/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Manipulando o comportamento com vibrações transmitidas pelo substrato
Discente: Thais Coffler
Dia: 13/06/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Traumas na infância influenciando a vida materna
Discente:  Fernanda Pereira Andrade
Dia: 13/06/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Relações multitróficas e seu efeito no Controle Biológico
Discente: Sofia Pimenta de Oliveira
Dia: 06/06/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Para as formigas, unidade é força, e saúde
Discente: Lorena Lisbetd Botina Jojoa
Dia: 06/06/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Segue o Fluxo
Discente: Lívia Fonseca Nunes
Dia: 09/05/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Termitópolis: a megalópole dos cupins
Discente: Marco Paulo Macedo Guimarães
Dia: 09/05/2019
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Quando competir vale a pena?
Discente: Eduardo Carlos Costantin
Dia: 02/05/2019
Horário: 17h00min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Será hemolinfa o corpo gorduroso?
Discente: Paola Alejandra Flores Carbajal
Dia: 25/04/2019
Horário: 17h00min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Confundes e reinarás!
Discente: Camila Oliveira Santos
Dia: 25/04/2019
Horário: 17h00min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Mas que sincronia é essa? O acaso é tão perfeito, aí fora ou aqui dentro.
Discente: Juliana Lívia Vieira
Dia: 11/04/2019
Horário: 17h00min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Transferência Ontogênica de Microplásticos no mosquito Culex pipiens
Discente: Francelina Aparecida Duarte Rocha
Dia: 11/04/2019
Horário: 17h00min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Artigo: Insectivorous Birds Are Attracted by Plant Traits Induced by Insect Egg Deposition
Seminário: Passarinho, que cheiro é esse?
Discente: Suelen Virgínia Eufrásio Speridião
Dia: 04/04/2019
Horário: 17h00min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Artigo: Adaptive horizontal transfer of a bacterial gene to an invasive insect pest of coffee
Seminário: Mecanismos evolutivos em insetos praga mediados por transferência horizontal de genes bacterianos
Discente: Javier Guillermo Mantilla Afanador
Dia: 04/04/2019
Horário: 17h00min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Vazei!
Discente: Hígor de Souza Rodrigues
Dia: 29/11/2018
Horário: 17h00min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: O Inseto-Tesoura do Cretáceo
Discente: Francisco Carmo
Dia: 22/11/2018
Horário: 17h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Biodegradação de isopor pelo Tenebrio Molitor
Discente: Carlos Henrique Martins de Menezes
Dia: 01/11/2018
Horário: 16h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Ilusão sensorial como estratégia de defesa de mariposas
Discente: Valdeir Celestino dos Santos Junior
Dia: 01/11/2018
Horário: 17h00min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Limpando a casa com segurança! Como em algumas formigas a prole é protegida do ácido que elas produzem?  
Discente: Marcos Vinícius Vieira Mattos
Dia: 01/11/2018
Horário: 17h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Uma lagarta com “índole”
Discente: Marcondes Andrade Dias
Dia: 25/10/2018
Horário: 16h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Algumas espécies de vaga-lumes trocaram a luz por outro modo de sinal sexual
Discente: Edwin Ernesto Domínguez Núñez
Dia: 25/10/2018
Horário: 17h00min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: “Relaxa senão não encaixa”: A morfologia funcional das genitálias durante a copula no gafanhoto Melanoplus rotundipennis
Discente: Paulo Henrique Rezende
Dia: 25/10/2018
Horário: 17h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Ecologia química no controle biológico conservativo
Discente:  Jéssica Mayara Coffler Botti
Horário: 16h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Alguém desliga esse forninho!
Discente: Mayara Loss Franzin
Dia: 27/09/2018
Horário: 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Camuflagem química
Discente: Elem Fialho MartinsDia: 27/09/2018
Horário: 17h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: It’s time to eat!
Discente: Felipe Andreazza
Dia: 05/07/2018
Horário: 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Artigo: Symbiont selection via alcohol benefits fungus farming by ambrosia beetles
Seminário: Atração de besouros ambrosia por etanol: benefício para seu fungo mutualista
Discente: Marcela Cristina Silva Caixeta
Dia: 21/06/2018
Horário: 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro

Artigo: The evolution of insect sperm: an unusual character system in a megadiverse group

Seminário: Os espermatozoides dos insetos e sua possível aplicação na filogenia
Discente: Pedro Henrique Ambrosio Nere
Dia: 21/06/2018
Horário: 17h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: As formigas na história recente da humanidade
Discente:  Felipe Nery Freitas Ferreira
Horário: 16h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: The queen is dead: Long live the queen
Discente: Pedro Toledo
Dia: 14/06/2018
Horário: 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Confusão sexual reduz ataque de pragas em policulturas
Discente: Elizeu de Sá Farias
Dia: 14/06/2018
Horário: 17h30min
Seminário: Formigas paramédicas: são as primeiras a resgatar e cuidar de companheiros feridos
Discente: Nádylla Régis Xavier de Oliveira
Dia: 07/06/2018
Horário: 16h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: CRISPR/Cas9 aplicado a entomologia
Discente: Larine de Paiva Mendonça
Dia: 07/06/2018
Horário: 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: A importância das formigas como engenheiras de ecossistemas
Discente: Larissa de Souza Fietto
Dia: 07/06/2018
Horário: 17h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Um retrato das mulheres na ciência
Discente: Fernanda Suellen Teles Pereira
Dia: 24/05/2018
Horário: 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Será o fim das borboletas monarcas?
Discente: Ítalo Marcossi
Dia: 17/05/2018
Horário: 16h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Mecanismo do Comportamento Higiênico em Abelhas
Discente: Adriana Helena Walerius
Dia: 17/05/2018
Horário: 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Polinização em áreas de expansão agrícola
Discente: Laila Rezende
Dia: 17/05/2018
Horário: 17h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Árvores reduzem sua resistência sob falta de água
Discente: Carlos Augusto Corrêa
Dia: 10/05/2018
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Dê asas à polinização
Discente: Álvaro Costa
Dia: 10/05/2018
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Nematóide facilita a entrada do pulgão-do-pessegueiro em plantas de batata
Discente: Rafael de Almeida
Dia: 10/05/2018
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Influência do habitat no comportamento alimentar de predadores generalistas
Discente: Arthur Vieira Ribeiro
Dia: 03/05/2018
Horário: 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
 Discussão do Simpósio 2019
Dia: 03/05/2018
Horário: 17h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: O que acontece quando as formigas falham em defender a planta?
Discente: Mayara Moledo Picanço
Dia: 19/04/2018
Horário: 17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: Comer, comer, comer, comer. É o melhor para poder crescer!
Discente: Thaís Andrade Viana
Dia: 19/04/2018
Horário: 17h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: “Besouros disfarçados de formigas: a história se repete“
Discente: Yuri Carvalho
Dia: 29/06/2017
Horário:  17h
Local: auditório do Bioagro
Seminário: “Trade-offs Entre Pragas na Tecnologia Bt: Influências em Herbívoros não Alvo”
Discente: Willian do Vale
Dia: 29/06/2017
Horário: 17h30min
Local: auditório do Bioagro